The JH Michell Medal

In honour of of John Henry Michell, ANZIAM, a Division of the Australian Mathematical Society, has instituted an award for outstanding new researchers. At most one award will be made annually, but only to a candidate of sufficient merit. No person can receive more than one such award. The selection criteria for the award are:

  1. The researcher must have carried out distinguished research in applied and/or industrial mathematics, where a significant proportion of the research work has been carried out in Australia and/or New Zealand; AND
  2. On 1 January in the year in which the AWARD is made, the recipient will be within the equivalent of the first ten years of their research-related career*, following the conferral of a PhD**; AND
  3. The researcher must have been a member*** of ANZIAM for at least the** three calendar years preceding the year in which the AWARD is made. Active membership must be demonstrated within that three-year period****.


*Allowing for significant interruptions to research development,for example, parental duties, illness, career change.
**Any exceptional circumstances should be forwarded to the Selection Committee to assess eligibility.
***Membership is considered to be current and continuous provided that membership dues are paid within or before the calendar year in which they are due.
****Active membership would be demonstrated, for example, with evidence of attending ANZIAM events, involvement in their organisation, or involvement in ANZIAM committees, be that at the local branch, special- interest group, or overarching ANZIAM level.

Past Winners

The 2025 J.H. Michell Medal: call for nominations

Nominations are now sought for the J.H. Michell Medal, an award given in honour of John Henry Michell, by ANZIAM, a division of the Australian Mathematical Society. The award is for outstanding new researchers in Applied and/or Industrial Mathematics.

Closing date: 18th October 2024

Nominations for the AWARD can be made by any member of ANZIAM other than the nominee. A nomination should consist of a brief C.V. of the nominee together with the nominee's list of publications and no more than a one page resumé of the significance of the nominee's work.

Nominations should be sent directly to the Committee Chair, Professor Jennifer Flegg at

Updated: 30 Aug 2024