The 2007 JH Michell Medal

The Selection Panel for the 2007 J.H. Michell Medal proposes that the Medal be awarded to Dr Yvonne Marie Stokes.


After careful consideration, the committee is unanimous in recommending that the J.H. Michell Medal be awarded to Dr Yvonne Marie Stokes from the University of Adelaide.

Dr Yvonne Stokes has interests in a broad variety of applications of mathematics. She has considered viscous fluid flow in curved pipes, the behaviour of glass slumping in the formation of optical lenses, the distortion of window panes over time and the behaviour of elongated viscous fluid drops. She has also worked in biological applications, including the behaviour of limbs in which there is a broken bone and the modelling of oxygen concentration in cells. She has demonstrated considerable determination and self-motivation in her research, with two single-author publications in the prestigious Proceedings of the Royal Society, and another single author paper in Computers and Fluids. She has 11 papers in refereed journals and a further 7 refereed conference papers. Her work has also received media interest, with articles appearing in The Economist, The Times, and The Australian.

Yvonne Stokes has been active in seeking collaborations with industry and researchers in Israel, Scotland, the Netherlands and the United States. She has also recently worked with a research group in obstetrics and gynaecology. She is currently joint chief investigator on an ARC grant (with Professor Tuck).

Yvonne has been a very active member of ANZIAM since 1995 and the secretary of the South Australian branch since 1999. She has been a very prominent participant in the Mathematics in Industry Study Groups, where she has led the work on several of the industrial problems.

The Committee strongly recommends Dr Yvonne Stokes for the 2007 Michell Medal, and is confident that she will prove to be a future leader in Applied Mathematics.

Updated: 11 Jan 2008