The 2004 JH Michell Medal

The Selection Panel for the 2004 J.H. Michell Medal proposes that the Medal be awarded to Mark Ian Nelson.


Mark Nelson received his Ph.D. from the University of Leeds in 1994. He arrived in New Zealand in 1997 as the Royal Society of London Postdoctoral Fellow working with Graeme Wake at the University of Auckland and the University of Canterbury for more than a year. For the next three years he generated papers at the Australian Defence Force Academy with Harvey Sidhu, Rod Weber and Geoff Mercer, except for a nine-month period back at Leeds. For the last year he has been at the University of Wollongong.

Mark has written 31 refereed papers (5 individually, 18 as senior joint author) in the area of non-linear chemical dynamics. These involve the application of bifurcation theory, continuation methods, dynamical systems methodology and singularity theory to problems in combustion, chemical reactor engineering and bioreactor engineering. Sixteen of these papers are based on research accomplished since arriving in Australasia six years ago.

Updated: 30 Dec 2014