Executive Committee
The following committee will hold office from ANZIAM 2024 to ANZIAM 2025.
Office Bearers
- Chair: Matthew Simpson (Qld)
- Deputy Chair: Natalie Thamwattana (NSW)
- Secretary: Simon Clarke (Vic)
- Treasurer: Michael Lydeamore (Vic)
Chair of Special Interest Groups
- CMG: Linda Stals (ACT)
- MBSIG: Stuart Johnston (Vic)
- MathSport: Anthony Bedford (QLD)
- MISG: Mark Flegg (Vic)
- SigmaOpt: Matthew Tam (Vic)
Elected/Co-opted Ordinary Members
- ACT: Simon Watt
- NSW: Christopher Lustri
- NZ: Michael Plank
- QLD: Adrianne Jenner
- SA: Judy Bunder
- Tas: Madeleine Cockerill
- Vic: Edward Hinton
- WA: Enrico Valdenoci
Co-opted/Invited Members
- ICIAM: Bernd Krauskopf (NZ) and Yvonne Stokes (SA)
- ECR Rep: Claire Miller (NZ)
- Student Rep: Georgia Weatherley (Qld)
- Web Editor: Jody McKerral (SA)
Ex-Officio Members
- President, AustMS: Jessica Purcell
- Editor, ANZIAM Journal: Andrew Bassom (Tas)
ANZIAM Returning Officer
- Melanie Roberts (QLD)
Appointment of Representatives
Representatives on the AustMS Steering Committee:
- Prof. Natalie Thamwattana
- Dr Simon Clarke
ANZIAM Student Support Scheme Committee 2023:
- Prof. Mick Roberts (Chair)
- Dr Frank de Hoog
- A/Prof. Rowena Ball
AF Pillow Foundation Trustees 2024:
- Prof. Jane Pillow (Chair)
- Prof. Scott McCue
- Prof. Mary Myerscough
- *TBA
Medal Selection Committees
ANZIAM Medal Committee 2024:
- Em/Prof Phil Broadbridge (Chair)
- Prof Nalini Joshi
- Em/Prof Tony Roberts
- Carlo Laing
- Xiaoping Lu
EO Tuck Medal Committee 2024:
- Prof Mike Plank (Chair)
- Prof Scott McCue
- A/Prof Murk Bottema
- Hinke Osinga
- Mary Myerscough
JH Michell Medal Committee 2024:
- Prof Mark McGuinness (Chair)
- Prof Ryan Loxton
- Yvonne Stokes
- Cecilia Gonzalez Tokman