ANZIAM-MATRIX Support Scheme
MATRIX is a residential research institute where mathematical scientists from Australia and around the world can collaborate in a unique Australian landscape.
Aims of MATRIX
- Host advanced level, research-intensive programs in the mathematical sciences.
- Provide an intellectual and stimulating environment that supports collaboration.
- Encourage interaction between mathematical scientists in industry and academia, and increase the impact of mathematical and statistical research.
- Encourage the participation of students, early career researchers, and female mathematicians.
- Support the Australian and international mathematical sciences research community in Australia.
As more MATRIX research programs are organised by ANZIAM members and participation at these programs also involves ANZIAM members, particularly our early career members, ANZIAM has created the ANZIAM-MATRIX Support Scheme.
The objective of this scheme is to provide funding for up to $2,000 to support the running of a MATRIX research program that is organised by at least two ANZIAM members. It is intended that the funds be used to facilitate and enhance participation of ANZIAM students and/or early/mid-career members at the workshop.
To request for this funding, an organiser (who is a member of ANZIAM) is to submit the approved MATRIX workshop proposal together with the email confirmation from MATRIX to ANZIAM’s secretary (anziam.secretary - at - The committee overseeing this scheme comprises ANZIAM’s secretary, treasurer, and an appointee of the Chair of ANZIAM.
ANZIAM requires its acknowledgement at the workshop and that at the conclusion of the workshop, a report is to be provided to ANZIAM’s secretary giving: (i) the list of participants indicating ANZIAM members, and (ii) the activities or outcomes of the workshop. It is envisaged that the report is no more than two pages long. This report will be attached to the AGM document, publicising ANZIAM’s research activities.