ANZIAM Tasmania Branch - Rules

A Division of Australian Mathematical Society (Tas. Branch)

Rules of Procedure

(First adopted February 19, 2016)


  1. The following Rules are to be read in conjunction with the constitution of the Australian Mathematical Society, in sequel to be referred to as the Society, and the constitution of the Division of Applied Mathematics of the Australian Mathematical Society, in sequel to be referred to as the Division.

    1. The branch shall be called the ANZIAM Branch of Tasmania, hereafter referred to as the Branch.
    2. The objects of the Branch shall be as for the Division and to hold regular meetings of the Tas. Applied Mathematics Seminar Series.
    3. Membership of the Branch shall consist of
      1. Honorary Members, who shall be Honorary Members of the Society;
      2. Ordinary Members, who shall be those Ordinary Members of the Society usually resident in the Tasmania, who pay an annual capitation fee to the Division;
      3. Associate Members, who shall be persons not members of the Society but who elect to pay an annual membership fee to the Branch, the amount thereof to be determined from time to time by the Branch but in all cases to be not less than the capitation fee paid by Ordinary Members as prescribed in Rule II(3)(b);
      4. Institution Members, who shall be those Institutional Members of the Society resident in Tasmania who pay an annual capitation fee to the Division.


    1. The Officers of the Branch shall be the Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
    2. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
      1. The Officers of the Branch;
      2. Not more than four further elected Members;
      3. The Chair of the Division or the Chair’s nominee who shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
    3. The Chair, The Treasurer and at least half of the other Officers and Members of the Executive Committee shall be members of the Division as well as of the Branch.
    4. The Executive Committee shall manage the business of the Branch and shall act to further the objects of the Branch.
    5. The Chair, or a member nominated by the Chair, shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee. Half of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
    6. The Chair shall annually submit a written report on the activities of the Branch to the Executive Committees of the Branch and the Division.
    7. The Secretary shall keep records of the activities of the Branch and the Executive Committee, shall be responsible for ballots, and shall do all such things for the use and service of the Branch as appertains to the office of Secretary.
    8. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all funds on account of the Branch and shall deposit the same in an interesting–bearing Society Account established in the name of the Branch. Payments from this Account shall be made by cheques counter-signed by the Treasurer and one other person nominated by the Committee. The Treasurer shall keep true accounts of the sums of money received and expended by the Branch and shall annually submit a financial statement to the Executive Committees of the Branch and the Division. The annual financial statement shall be made available to any Member of the Branch on request.
    9. All members of the Executive Committee shall act in an honorary capacity.


    1. The Executive Committee of the Branch shall organize as it sees fit such meetings, conferences and seminars aimed at furthering the objects of the Branch.
    2. Where fees are to be charged to cover the expenses involved in the organization and conduct of such meetings, conferences and seminars, Members of the Branch may pay a discounted fee as determined by the Executive Committee.


    1. The Executive Committee of the Branch shall be elected annually by Members of the Branch other than Institutional Members.
    2. All positions on the Executive Committee shall be declared vacant at the end of each calendar year.
    3. The Chair shall not be eligible for election for more than two consecutive years.
    4. Such elections mentioned above shall be by Ballot, the Returning Officer to be appointed by the Executive Committee.
    5. The Returning Officer will give written notice (which may be via electronic means) of the call for nominations for Officers and Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee. This notification should, except in exceptional circumstances, be given at the same time as the notification for the last seminar of the year of the Tasmania Applied Mathematics Seminar Series.
    6. Nominations for any or all of the Officers and Seats to be filled may be made by any two members who are entitled to vote at the ensuing elections, provided that the persons nominated are entitled to vote at the ensuing elections. The closing date for nominations will coincide with the last seminar of the year of the Tasmania Applied Mathematics Seminar Series.
    7. If any one person has nominated for any of the offices of the Branch that person shall be declared elected unopposed. Likewise, if four or fewer persons have validly (see III(2)(b)) nominated for the membership of the Executive Committee they shall be declared elected unopposed. In the event of a contested position the Returning Officer shall conduct a Ballot, to be held before December 31 of the current year.
    8. Each Member, present at the meeting, who is entitled to vote shall have just one vote in respect of each office and each seat to be filled.
    9. The Member who receives the highest number of votes for each single Office shall be declared elected, and those Members who receive the (up to) four highest number of votes for Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee shall be declared elected.
    10. Persons elected as Officers or Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee shall normally take up their respective positions on January 1 of the year following the elections.
    11. The Executive Committee shall decide whether to fill casual vacancies on the Committee should they occur. Such vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Committee or by Email subject to the provision of Paragraph III(3).
    12. If no election of Officers or Ordinary Members to the Executive Committee has taken place by December 31 of any year, the Executive Committee of the Division shall intervene and take whatever action it deems appropriate.


    1. Any question concerning an alteration of this set of Rules of Procedure shall be decided by a special Ballot of all Members of the Branch. All decisions made as the result of this Ballot shall be subject to the approval of the Division.

Updated: 11 Mar 2016